Holly's Happy Place

Sunday, December 17, 2006

What's Your Name????

Just taking a break from my Holiday Madness for a bit-o-fun.

I love these things!

1. Use the third letter of your first name to determine your New first name:

A = Snickle

B = Doombah

C = Goober

D = Cheesy

E = Crusty

F = Greasy

G = Dumbo

H = Farcus

I = Dorky

J = Doofus

K = Funky

L = Boobie

M = Sleezy

N = Sloopy

O = Fluffy

P = Stinky

Q = Slimy

R = Dorfus

S = Snooty

T = Tootsie

U = Dipsy

V = Sneezy

W = Liver

X = Skippy

Y = Dinky

Z = Zippy

2. Use the second letter of your last name

to determine the first half of your new last name:

A = dippin

B = feather

C = batty

D = burger

E = chicken

F = barffy

G = lizard

H = waffle

I = farkle

J = monkey

K = flippin

L = fricken

M = bubble

N = rhino

O = potty

P = hamster

Q = buckle

R = gizzard

S = lickin

T = snickle

U = chuckle

V = pickle

W = hubble

X = dingle

Y = gorilla

Z = girdle

3. Use the third letter of your last name

to determine the second half of your new last name:

A = butt

B = boob

C = face

D = nose

E = hump

F = breath

G = pants

H = shorts

I = lips

J = honker

K = head

L = tush

M = chunks

N = dunkin

O = brains

P = biscuits

Q = toes

R = doodle

S = fanny

T = sniffer

U = sprinkles

V = frack

W = squirt

X = humperdinck

Y = hiney

Z = juice

Thus, for example, George W. Bush's new name is: Fluffy Chucklefanny.

Mine is:

~~~~ Boobie Farkle Dunkin~~~~

Bill's is:

~~~~Boobie Farkle Pants~~~~

Tay's is:

~~~~Gorilla Farkle Dunkin~~~~

Kodie's is:

~~~~Cheesy Farkle Dunkin~~~~

Peter's is:

~~~~Tootsie Farkle Dunkin~~~~

Randy's is:

~~~~Sloopy Farkle Dunkin~~~~

feel free to tell me what your name turned out to be
Some names can be hilarious!!!!