I'm not dead yet.. so I'll keep on bowling!!!

It's been a difficult past few days. I'm only 32 soon to be 33 years old but arthritis has settled in my joints already. This time its been my back hurting the most but close behind that is my knees. I love to bowl and sometimes my arthritis can get in the way of bowling any good games.

I currently Bowl on 3 leagues. Sunday, Monday, and Thursday. Sunday is a mixed men and women league and my average that night is 155. Monday is also a mixed men and women league and my average that night is 160. Thursday is just a womens league and my average that night is a 165. Sometimes bowling my averages can be difficult when my knees and ankles hurt or my fingers and wrists or elbows. My arthritis seems to be everywhere i bend now and thats not good because I still have a lot of years left to go and from here on out looks like I'm going to have a lot of pain to go with those years.

I haven't thrown in the towel just yet on bowling. As long as i can still hang onto the ball and walk I'll give it my best shot. I may not get any better then what I am able to do now, even though I'd like to Bowl at least one 600 series before I die. Or better then that. But I can complain I think I'm a decent bowler anyways. The first half of bowling has ended and our Thursday team took all the awards for highest team series ,highest team acutal pins, Highest game, and Highest average. The highest game was Laurie a girl on our team she bowled a 259 and Brenda, Laurie, and I have the highest averages in the whole womens league. Brenda has a 168 mine is 165 and Laurie's is a 163. I also won a few pins and patches and I got 2 towels for star of the month but on 2 seperate leagues. Also had my name in the paper for my 223 game and last Thursday I Bowled a 231 so it will probably be in the newspaper again. That's all I have to say for now I guess. Til I write again ......God Bless!
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