Well, Since there are a few people reading my blog that like to fish, I thought I would share a fishing story that my boyfriend Bill told to me.
He used to live in Texas when he was married to his first wife, bout' years or so ago. He lived close to the bayou down there not sure of the name of it, anyways he worked 3rd shift and when he got off work he would go to the bayou and check on his trout lines. He would tie one end of the line to a tree and tie trout lines with swivels and hooks about every 5 feet apart off the main line until he had about 150 hooks out there in the water.
Well, one day after he got off work it had rained the night before and the water level had rose higher then his line was, so it was under the water level and he had to lean over the boat and hold his breath and submerge the upper part of his body into the water so he could reach far enough to grab his line. He had a friend with his that day and he was doing the same thing. There were a lot of hooks they had to check out. After they were done they were headed back to shore and seen a alligator on the banks about 6 to 8 feet long. His friend said to Bill "there are alligators that big in here?" Bill never really thought that there was alligators that big in there just smaller ones like 4 feet or so. Then his friend said again " and we had our heads in the water? What were we thinking?" I told him when he told me that you were checking your lines and baiting them again and the whole time you was alligator bait with your heads in the water like that. But I watch the discovery channel a lot and already know that alligators aren't usually aggressive animals. But I still wouldn't have my head in the water like they did.

Another quick story because it starts out the same almost, Bill's out there in the lake pulling up one of his trout lines and this one that he's pulling on is really heavy. He's pulling it slow so he doesn't snap his line and pulls more and more until he seen two eyeballs, spaced 3 feet apart. He had a catfish that was big enough to swallow him whole on the end of that trout line. It had obviously eaten another fish that was caught on that line. As soon as that catfish seen Bill it turned and snapped that line and it was gone.
"Talk about the fish that got away." he said he would have cut the line anyways. There was no way he was going to put that thing in the boat with him.
Here are some links about huge catfish like Bill seen.

At 12:30 PM,
Alpha Male said…
What is this another fish story about the one that got away??? Or is it just another BLONDE moment?
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