More Bowling!!!

I went to see my doctor (psychiatrist) I just think He is such a nice man. I've been seeing him as a patient for about 2 years now. I suffer from some social anxiety among other things. I know what your thinking ..How cam I have social anxiety if I bowl so much. Well Bowling is part of my therapy so to say. Dr. Gates wants me to get out of the house or otherwise I'd just stay home and never go anywhere, so in order to get me out of the house it has to be something that I really like enough to make me get enough motivation to do it. Now I have my anxiety as I'm bowling too especially If I think that I'm being watched. So I will stand there and let the people on both sides of me go first so nobody is waiting on me. And I bowl with people on my teams that encourage me when I'm down on my game and cheer for me when I'm having a good game. Plus they all have bad days too.
Sunday night I bowl with Krystal, Chad and Larry. Krystal will have her good moments but she has a lower average then I do. Chad is like me he can have excellent games one week and crappy games the next. Larry is a very good bowler and he never puts any of us down or makes us feel like he's better then us. He has a 196 average. And tries to help us improve by telling us little things that he can see from standing back and watching and tells us what we need to do to fix it. Well I don't think I'll ever be able to pick the ten pin up everytime like him especially throwing a curve ball. But I am getting better at picking up the 7 pin and all he had to tell me was to roll the ball don't throw it and it goes there all by itself. Larry is also fun to bowl with because he can make us laugh til our stomachs hurt. Try bowling and laughing at the same time. It doesn't work to well.
Monday night I bowl with Missy, Regina and most of the time her husband Randy. We have had trouble keeping a 4th person on this night. Randy doesn't really want to bowl with us but he does it cause we force him too. lol He just bowled a 768 series last night. And is first place team in the city doubles this year. Regina and me are the same age and we have fun. When we are doing well and winning we (try to dance ) like M.c. Hammer's "can't touch this" and it makes everyone laugh. We also have to get serious and talk to our balls sometimes lol no pun intended. Sometimes we have to put our balls in time out. Sometimes acting stupid can be fun lol. Missy is Steve Ernst's wife. My ex- husband is Paul Ernst, Steve's brother. When I broke up with Paul, Missy and Stevie told me "just because your not with Paul anymore doesn't mean we can't still be friends. So that really meant a lot to me. And I still keep our friendship going. Missy is fun to bowl with too. She mostly just laughs at me and Regina. Bowling on this team there is no pressure of what place your in we just go to have a good time.
Thursday night we have 5 of us and no schedule to rotate bowlers. So we just all go and decide when we get there who's bowling lol. Kathy, Debbie, and Brenda are all sisters. So we get the see them pick on each other and that's funny sometimes. Brenda is married to Paul's oldest brother Mark and they own the bowling alley "lake Shore Lanes". They have a house that truly would be my dream house. It's gorgeous. They have a huge yard and pond. They have a huge ox roast every summer. I didn't go last year because I didn't want to see Paul there. Plus I was with Bill doing other things like camping etc. This last thanksgiving and Christmas Brenda and Mark was running one of the local food pantries and bought some of the food themselves and the bowling alley pitched in some too. Laurie is fun to bowl with she is the other person on our team. The end of the month of January our team (all 5 of us) is going to bowl in a tournament. Only 1st and 2nd place teams of the first half out of all the leagues during the week are bowling in this tournament. We got lucky. 2nd place team on our league couldn't bowl ( I think because they only had 4 people and they need 5) so it got handed to us. It is going to be a handicap tournament too so Brenda says we have a good chance of winning it. Yeah right Brenda!!! I'll do my best. That's all I can do.
Well I don't mean to bore everyone with all the bowling stuff but that's all I could think of to talk about. Dr. Gates said that blogging is a good way to talk about things. ( because I don't like going to group therapy) but this is kind of a group therapy. I try to not write about really depressing things because I want people to read my blogs and if it's depressing then who wants to read it. Plus I'm not good at sharing that much about myself yet.
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